All Rift Locations in Fortnite Season 4

 Fortnite’s Season 4 is continuously receiving new events, updates, and aspects despite the fact that there is a new Season coming soon. Besides, the game has recently received a new set of Weekly challenges that have been exceptionally crafted to help the gamers to progress in the XP level so that they can attain a free Battle Pass. More importantly, Fortnite has brought a wide range of essential items and aspects through recently arrived update 14.50.

All Rift Locations in Fortnite Season 4

Meanwhile, gamers are after one of the newly arrived aspects known as Rift. Thus, in this article, we are going to help the gamers in obtaining Rift. Below we have provided a proper workaround that contains every Rift location in Fortnite Season 4.

How to Find All Rifts in Fortnite Season 4

Before heading further to the subsequent process, let us first brief the gamers about Rift. Gamers need to know that Rifts are a special type of jetpack that players can launch ahead in their game.

There are several places where gamers can find a Rift in the Fortnite world. However, in this article, we are briefing about the top two places where players will find Rifts in large numbers. The first place in Upstate New York, and the second is the Islands.

Rifts in Upstate New York

There are 8 Rifts available in the Upstate New York region in Fortnite Season 4. The first and the second Rifts are kept in the eastern region of Doom’s Domain. The next two Rifts are located near the Craggy Cliffs area. Gamers will find another two Rifts across the north-west region of Dirty Docks. The seventh Rift is located near Steamy Stacks, and the eight one is kept near the eastern section of Stark Industries.

Rifts in the Islands

The first Rift pair is located near the Island’s edge, and the second pair is placed on the eastern section of Catty Corner. Players will find the next Rift pair in the western part of Misty Meadows, and the last pair of Rift have been placed in the northern section of Coral castle.

At last, gamers need to know that each Rift can be used one at a time, and thus, it is essential for the players to collect as many as they can. Rifts are a vital item of Fortnite, and they will be migrated to the upcoming season, so it seems that there is no harm in collecting them now for future purposes.


Fortnite is continuously receiving new content and stuff, including a new set of weekly challenges, with the latest being the XP Xtravaganza Week 1 challenge. These challenges require gamers to eliminate their enemies using Superpower. More importantly, players have been given a series of essential items and weapons to complete these challenges with ease. This list includes Rift, a critical item that works as a startup in the game, and in this article, we have provided its location so that gamers can easily find it.

Gamers can play Fortnite Season 4 on Xbox OnePS4, and PC.



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